THEREFORE PRO est votre destination privilégiée pour les services de traduction professionnelle.

Nous sommes Therefore PRO, un groupe d'experts de l'industrie qui mettent en commun leur savoir-faire afin de réaliser notre vision commune de l'avenir des services linguistiques.

Qui sommes-nous?

Nous sommes Therefore PRO, un groupe d'experts de l'industrie qui mettent en commun leur savoir-faire afin de réaliser notre vision commune de l'avenir des services linguistiques.

Therefore PRO est une société de services linguistiques nouvelle et diversifiée qui utilise des technologies innovantes pour s'assurer que chaque projet est préparé conformément aux normes les plus strictes.
Notre équipe de spécialistes hautement motivés vous fournira le meilleur service possible, optimisé en fonction de vos besoins spécifiques.
Alors n'hésitez pas, contactez-nous et rejoignez le cercle de nos clients satisfaits qui s'agrandit rapidement !

Qui sommes-nous?
What is our goal?

We believe that service quality and client satisfaction are the key factors when it comes to a company's success. Therefore, we are determined to reach and maintain a level of excellence that our clients would expect from a professional linguistic services provider.

What is our goal?
Why choose us?

Here at Therefore PRO we understand the difficulty and importance of finding a trustworthy business partner. Duplicity; constant delays in communication; confusion and misunderstanding, as well as translation quality issues can derail the whole project from its schedule or worse - result in a poorly released product, which in turn can lead to serious damage to your reputation and relationship with your clients or consumers. In the worst case scenario a poorly translated content can even lead to health issues and injuries; for example, a person consuming a wrong dosage of prescribed medicine due to a mistranslated pharmaceutical drug recipe or a machine operator misusing the equipment due to a mistranslated user manual. Which is why our team always communicates swiftly, in a clear and concise manner, sticking right to the point as well as being 100% transparent with the client, all while making sure that we understand and meet the client’s requirements. In order to be able to provide the desired level of quality and accuracy, we make sure that all of our talents go through mandatory training and testing.

Why choose us?
Rencontrez notre équipe
Mesrop Khachatryan
Mesrop Khachatryan
CEO Therefore Pro
Alexey Kochka
Alexey Kochka
Chief Operations Officer
Sakis Koulos
Sakis Koulos
Head of Vendor Relations
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